

IV Hydration In Sykesville, MD

IV Hydration Treatment

The Refresh

Basic hydration drip – great for people who work a lot, stressed out, fatigued, travel. It’s going to replenish your electrolytes, hydrate you and give you your b-vitamins for energy.

The Immunity

This infusion is great for people who are sick with or getting sick with cold or flu. It will knock the sickness right out of you. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties (it has been known to help with fibromyalgia pain and other inflammatory symptoms).

The Fountain of Youth

Also known as our beauty treatment. It’s great for anti-aging, cellular repair, helps rid the body of free radicals, detoxifies the
liver, brightens and lightens skin.

The Hangover

This drip comes with a liter of fluid (so double the amount of fluid). It’s going to replenish your electrolytes, hydrate you, give you your energy boost with the B vitamins. You should start feeling better in about 30-45 minutes! Also great for food poisoning or stomach virus.

In Touch

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We also offer free consultations.
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